There are big things in life, and it is OKAY to talk someone about them. Someone who is studied and trained and specialises in the area. It will be uncomfortable, because it's vulnerable and can mean bringing up pain, but true freedom is not ignoring the pain. True freedom is found in facing and dealing with the pain. It will be okay.
This is Renee and the other day we spoke about how SEX is all around us, but not talked about in a healthy way - even though every other image we see is sexualised and there are jokes about it in every movie, we are still left with many many unanswered questions. So, I wanted to let all the Sydney folks know who Renee is and what she does. As well as being a close friend and a long term mentor in the field of sexuality, Renee is currently practicing as a Relationships & Sexual Health Counsellor at Hillsong Health Centre.
We all have certain beliefs or thinking patterns about our sexuality that have been formed by our family upbringing, our culture or past experiences that can have an impact on the decisions we make about our relationships and our sexuality. Discussing issues relating to sexuality, boundaries, relationships & dating with a counselor could be really beneficial.
I believe it's so important to normalize healthy conversations around sex. Just like you’d encourage a friend, or consider for yourself, to see a counsellor when you’re having a difficult time with another aspect of life or facing other challenges, similarly it is so normal that when you’re facing questions/challenges in the area of sexuality, you would seek out someone with more expertise to talk to!
Renee's Contact details (if you’re in Sydney and would like to make an appointment):
Phone- 02 8846 4663