Knowing your SEXview (sexual world view) will determine how you navigate and make choices relating to your sexuality. SEXviews are shaped by our culture, our environment, and the experiences we have as we grow up — both positive & negative.
What's your SEXview?
Decisions are influenced by our deeper beliefs, not just our current situation. That's why being aware of your SEXview is worth considering.
*Four world-views of Sex:
1) SEXUAL REALISM — Which means sex is a natural appetite (like eating), nothing special about it.
2) SEXUAL PLATONISM — Sex is animalistic, it’s dirty and we should ONLY do it for reproductive purposes. Meaning, you are sort of shamed if you enjoy it.
3) SEXUAL ROMANTICISM — Sex is actually repressed creativity, a form of self-expression and a way to find yourself. And lastly,
4) THE CHRISTIAN VIEW — Sex is sacred for three reasons; sex procreates, sex delights, and sex unifies.
Knowing your SEXview gives you a FREEDOM when making choices about your sexuality.
If you're ever feeling guilty about a choice that you've made, it can often be because you've behaved in an opposite way to a value that you have. So it's crucial to outwork your values, so you can make decisions based on them.
What do you guys think of the above? Do you agree, disagree, are you totally unsure? Comment below.
*Adapted from the work of Tim Keller (a really cool apologetic)